King's Qi (1)

Tuoba Hong picked up his Dragon abyss saber and charged at Wolf saber without a care!

However, if even Yan nantian and Tuoba Zhan were not their match, how could Tuoba Hong be able to defeat Wolf blade?

He was knocked down again and again, and he got up again and again. Even though his entire body was covered in wounds, he never had the intention to retreat!

hehe, I've seen many ants in my life, but this is the first time I've seen an ant as persistent as you.

A hint of mockery flashed across Wolf blade's face. Now that victory was in his hands, he was no longer in a hurry to kill Tuoba Hong. Instead, he was toying with him like an ant!

"Interesting. How about this? as long as you kneel down, I'll give you a chance to live. How about it?"

"I'll kneel your mother!"

Tuoba Hong cursed without any hesitation!

Hmph, an ant is still an ant. I gave you a chance to live, but you didn't cherish it!