Killing the Prince (1)


When PEI Liu's aura reached its peak, he roared and took a step forward, leaving deep footprints on the ground.

He threw an extremely powerful punch at Qin bei as if he had gone mad!

Qin bei could even feel the heat wave that was coming at him!

Without any hesitation, Qin bei threw out a punch!

The seemingly simple and unadorned punch did not seem to have any power!

The moment the two fists met, an earth-shattering blast of air burst out!

This time, the hotel building, which was already on the verge of collapse, could no longer take it. The ceiling of the building collapsed instantly, but it was instantly blown away by the wind waves of the fist, which did not hit the crowd in the hall!

"Heavens ... Oh my God ... Is this really a power that a human can possess?" Some people couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts!


All of a sudden, PEI Liu's arm exploded, and not even a speck of dust remained!
