King Qi's exercise, the truth exposed

"Brother Jin Wang, what's wrong?"

King Qi had just stepped out of the room when he returned.

"King Qi, you've already incited the anger of the people. Do you still want to continue to incite conflict?" Monarch Jin said with a sullen face.

This guy was really simple-minded and his limbs were not developed! Fortunately, this guy was not his biological brother from the same mother. Otherwise, he would be angered to death by this idiot!

"Then ... What should I do now?" King Qi asked.

listen to me now. Lower your stance and meet the people outside. Tell them that you don't know about the disaster relief funds and that they have already sent people to investigate. Don't say anything else. At this point, the most important thing is to stabilize the People's hearts. Do you understand? "

"I understand ... I understand now ..."

"It's good you understand! It's not a good time for me to show my face. Remember, no matter what, you can't anger the people!"