The sword Saint of Japan, Miyamoto Musashi

For a moment, the entire imperial court of the Dragon Kingdom was filled with a murderous aura!

More than a dozen Warriors from the diplomatic mission of the houjou family from Japan were instantly eliminated by the Dragon Kingdom's Ministry of War!

Only the faint smell of blood in the air could prove that these Japanese martial artists had once existed!

"Everyone, a Japanese martial artist crossed the border and tried to assassinate me. Does anyone have any objections?"

Qin bei coldly glanced at the group of envoys from the 30 nations.

This question was both a warning and a shock!

"No... No... The Japanese are harboring evil intentions and tried to assassinate Your Highness. They deserve to be killed!"

"Duke Zhennan is helpless! We will support the Duke of the South!"

"I also support it!"

Qin bei's iron fist had shocked the envoys of the 30 countries!

"It's good that the envoys have no objections."