The battle for the spirit vein (Part 2) _1

"Elder Ji, you're really ..."

Prince ning was about to retort when he was suddenly stopped by the Marquis.

"In that case, I won't disturb you any longer, three old men of the Dragon Kingdom!" The eyes of the Marquis of guanneihou were filled with coldness!

"What is the meaning of this, Marquis of guannei1?"

"King Chu's death can't just be in vain!"

All the princes raised their objections. On the surface, it looked like Duke Zhennan had killed two princes. But in fact, the three old men of the Dragon Kingdom were using Duke Zhennan to weaken the Qin clan's power!

They had to counterattack!

"Alright! We've said all we can today. Since the three elders of the Dragon Kingdom insist on this, we'll leave!"

With that, guanneihou left the Imperial court with his walking stick.

Prince Jin saw that the guanneihou seemed to have a hidden meaning in his words, so he gave the other princes a look and immediately followed after him.
