The spirit vein gathering! Part 2) _1

"Good idea!"

After listening to Prince ning's opinion, the eyes of the other Kings lit up!

If he used 10% of the spirit vein in exchange for the loyalty of dozens of small families, it would definitely be worth it!

"Very good, I agree with Prince ning's opinion!" Monarch Jin nodded in satisfaction!

"I also agree!"

"I agree!"

The other princes all agreed with Prince ning's idea!

After the decision was made, the king of Yan announced the result!

"Everyone! After our discussion, this King has decided that our Qin clan will take 90% of the spiritual veins! You will take 10%. Does anyone have any objections?" The king of Yan said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Jin wangfu fell silent!

Are you kidding me? 10 - 90?

The five kings of the Qin clan would get 90% while the remaining tens of clans would only get 10%?

Even capitalists would cry if they saw this!

After a short silence, dozens of small families exploded!