Elders Feng and Lin

Dragon Kingdom, Eastern Region, southern region border!

A million troops of the Qin clan were facing off against 600000 troops of the southern region!

"Hahahaha, brother Jin, currently, my Qin clan's million strong Army is bearing down on us. He, Duke Zhennan, only has a mere 600000 troops. He will lose for sure!"

In the main tent of the central Army, the Kings were drinking and having fun! It was extremely carefree!

hehe, my Royal brothers, after drinking this wine, you will follow me to slaughter the entire southern region and capture the Duke of the South's entire family. At that time, no matter how strong he is, he will not be afraid of not being executed! Monarch Jin said with a smile.


At this moment, a series of explosions came from afar. The earth shook and the mountains shook. Even from a thousand miles away, they could feel it clearly!

"What's the situation? Men!" The Kings were dumbfounded!


"Your Highness Prince Jin!"