Leave the southern mountain range and die in one piece (Part 2)

"Men die for wealth, and birds die for food. I see that many of you have married and have families, right? Some of them haven't even gotten married yet, right? Even if it's for the sake of your family, what's the harm in taking this money that's so easy to get? Don't you want to think about your wife, children, and parents at home?"

"With this money, they can live a better life! In the future, even if something happens to you as soldiers of the southern region, with this money, your family will be able to live a better life. Not to mention, I'm not asking you to betray the Duke of the South. This doesn't count as going against your purpose, right?"

Prince Jin was very clear about human nature. It was difficult to make them relent with the temptation of benefits alone, but if the factor of family was added, these people would think too much!

As expected, Lu Lei stopped after hearing monarch Jin's words.