The final battle, Dragon King!(Part 2) _1

"You! Qin wang, I really didn't expect you to be so despicable and shameless!" Elder Ji's expression was extremely ugly!

He suddenly brought kanwu out at this time, obviously he wanted to use kanwu as a hostage to force Qin bei to submit!

"Father! This child is unfilial! I caused you to be caught by an evil person!"

All of a sudden, Qin bei knelt down in front of kanwu, his fists clenched tightly and the veins on his forehead popped out!

At this moment, tears gushed out of his eyes. He hated his own incompetence! That's why my father ended up like this!

"My son, don't cry!"

"Stand up!"

Kanwu spoke slowly,"I have always been sure that my son is a man of indomitable spirit!" So, don't kneel in front of the enemy, stand up!"

"Yes! Father!"

Qin bei wiped away his tears, and what replaced them was endless coldness!

"Qin wang, let my father go!"

"Let him go? Hehe, do you think that's possible?" The king of Qin sneered.