Bombarding medicine King's Valley (Part 2) _1

After escaping from the deep mountains and old forests of the valley of the medicine Masters, Wu kui's bodyguards did not dare to delay any further. They endured the pain and went to the hotel where Qin bei and Dongfang Nong were staying.

After knocking on the door with his last bit of consciousness, the bodyguard passed out from his severe injuries.

Dongfang Nong heard the knock and opened the door. He saw Wu kui's bodyguard lying on the ground.

"Eh? You're not?"

Dongfang Nong recognized the man. Coincidentally, Qin bei was walking over.

"Aren't they Wu kui's bodyguards?" Qin bei asked.

"Yeah, this ... What's the situation?" Dongfang Nong was confused.

"Pull him in first, don't let others see."

The two of them pulled the bodyguard in first. Then, Dongfang Nong gave him a pill to heal his injuries.

Not long after, Wu kui's bodyguard slowly woke up.

"Qin ... Mr. Qin!"

When the bodyguard saw Qin bei, he struggled to get up from the bed.