The Dragon slaying meet (Part 2) _1

"Do it!"

The fifth elder of the Qin clan waved his hand. The experts of the six great clans and the heavenly Dragon auction house all moved out!

"We can't let them succeed! Kill!"

Kanwu coldly spoke and took the lead to face the fifth elder of the Qin clan!

"Kanwu, hehe, we had the intention to support you to become the king of the Dragon Kingdom, but unfortunately, you are so stubborn! Now, you can only seek your own destruction!" The fifth elder of the Qin clan mocked!

"You're the one who brought about your own destruction! What I have yet to accomplish, one day, my son will help me complete it!"

"Oh, really? I'm afraid I don't have that chance anymore. That brat had been missing for half a year. He had probably died in some unknown corner! Since that's the case, I'll be kind and send you and your father to hell!"

Bang Bang!

When the fifth elder of the Qin clan fought with kanwu, they were evenly matched!