Dark forces, ghost saber's seven-man team

"I won't!" Qin pan clenched his fists tightly and looked at Lin ran at the same time!

Lin ran also looked at Qin pan!

Sparks flew as their eyes met! They were filled with fighting spirit!

After the duel ended, the test continued. Among the eight thousand students, only Qin pan and Lin Yun had ninth-rank talents.

Only seven or eight of them could reach the eighth rank, while the rest were all between the seventh and fourth rank.

After the opening ceremony ended, the southern region Martial Arts Academy was officially on the right track!


Everyone celebrated the successful establishment of the Academy. At the same time, Qin bei also invited Lin kui and his mother to the Prince's mansion.

In the backyard of the king's Manor, Qin pan sat alone by the rockery and pond, looking depressed.

Dong 'er, who was passing by, saw Qin pan sitting alone by the pond. She couldn't help but walk over curiously.