Chaos in outer space, Dragon Kingdom's might (Part 1) _1


As soon as Yu zikue finished speaking, Tuoba Zhan rejected his idea.

"Without the permission of the battalion, we can not interfere, or we will cause unnecessary trouble!"

Mr. He, I suggest you explain the situation to them immediately and allow us to enter their Harbor to rescue the tourists from the Dragon Kingdom! Tuoba Zhan said.

don't worry about that. We've already spoken on the way here. The other party has already agreed to let us in. He Xi n said hurriedly.

alright, in that case, Captain Yu, please give the order! Tuoba Zhan said to Zi Jin.

"No problem!"

Yu zikui nodded and immediately ordered the entire fleet to enter a state of combat readiness and sail into the harbor!

At the same time, thousands of foreign tourists were detained at the port of the small country.