The Four Masters come out of seclusion (1)

"You're ignoring me?"

Looking at the quiet surroundings of the royal residence, a trace of anger gradually appeared in the eyes of Yin Yang dual blades!

"Alright, you're not coming out? Then I'll kill the Duke of the South's woman first, and see if you'll come out!"

At this critical moment, a thunderous roar was heard, ""Don't you dare!"


In the next moment, a long spear pierced through the wall of the royal residence and broke through it, heading straight for the dual blades Yin Yang!

Bang! Bang!

Dual blades Yin Yang hurriedly raised his blades to block, but the spinning spear gave him great pressure!

All of a sudden, a white-robed figure appeared and kicked the dual sabers, Yin Yang, to retrieve the spear!

"Nangong Ming!"

Everyone was pleasantly surprised! It turned out that he had come out of seclusion!

"Sister-in-law, seniors, are you alright?"