From east to west, chase for twenty thousand Li (2) _1

hehe, if that's the case, then I'll tell you the truth. Our goal this time is to kill the Duke of the South! Tony sneered!

"Preposterous! Who gave the order?"

Muhammad was immediately enraged upon hearing this!

This was simply making a joke out of SA's future!

"Without my order! No one is allowed to give the order to attack! I'm going to contact general walf immediately! Without his orders, no one is allowed to make a move!"

Muhammad immediately went to contact his combat division.

Bang! Bang!

At that moment, Tony's phone exploded with a shot!

At the same time as the gunshot, a large number of mercenaries rushed in and took control of the entire command center!

"Tony! What are you trying to do!" Muhammad stared at him coldly!

hehe, it's nothing. General Muhammad, if you don't want to die in vain, I advise you not to act rashly. Tony sneered.

"Tony! Tony! Not good! The other party has launched an attack on us, we ..."