Using the enemy's spear to attack the enemy's shield (Part 1) _1


As the artillery fire got closer, Qin bei activated eight gates and ran to the surface of the sea with his powerful speed. He stepped on the waves and walked!

However, the enemy had no intention of letting Qin bei go. As Qin bei moved, the close-combat cannons moved along with him, sweeping across the sea and forming an absolute net of death!

At the same time as all sorts of cannonballs were fired, the western Mediterranean Squadron was full of tricks! Fish, naval cannons, mines, and any equipment that could be used were used as if they were free. In the air, there were even fighter jets, known as the three heroes of the West, staring at Qin bei!

This was only the first wave of attack, but it had already completely sealed off Qin bei's movements!

"Hehe, the battle is over."

Captain Ross sneered at all this, thinking that the battle was already set in stone. He leisurely lit a cigar!