Ambushed, who is the traitor?

"What? You're dark cloud?"

Tuoba Hong, Night Wolf, Gu Xiaofeng, Nangong Ming, and MA sandao all had their mouths agape, unable to close.

"Brother, are you kidding me? You couldn't have been castrated by that bastard Wu Tian, right? I'll take revenge for you!" Tuoba Hong was so shocked that his scalp turned numb.

"Damn, what nonsense are you saying?" Qin bei rolled his eyes at Tuoba Hong.

"No, my brother, what's going on? How did dark cloud turn into a woman in the blink of an eye?" Gu Xiaofeng asked.

"I, old MA, have finally opened my eyes in this life." MA sandao couldn't help but sigh.

alright, it's a long story. Let's hurry up and leave this place. We'll meet up with GE Shan and raze Wushuang city to the ground!

This was not the place to talk for the time being. Dark cloud was still seriously injured, so he had to find a place to rest as soon as possible.

"Alright, let's go."