Bathing in dragon's blood in the tomb of the Emperor (Part 1)


Tens of thousands of sword shadows poured down on evil Prince's heavy armor!

Huo xueyang's smug expression didn't last long before it quickly turned serious.

He found that his million ancestral swords couldn't even break the evil Prince's armor, let alone hurt him!

"Your little tricks really disappoint this Lord!"

The corners of the evil Prince's mouth curled up into a devilish smile. Then, he raised the soul-breaking whip in his hand and swept it towards Huo xueyang!

"Sir evil monarch, please spare me! I know I was wrong! Please spare my life, Sir evil monarch! I'm willing to serve you!"

Seeing that his myriad returning swords had failed to hurt the evil Prince in the slightest, Huo xueyang was instantly frightened. The huge sword in his hand fell directly to the ground, and his whole body kept trembling!

"I don't need trash like you!"

The soul crushing whip suddenly shrank and cut Huo xueyang's body into two halves on the spot!