Bathing in dragon's blood in the tomb of the Emperor (Part 2!

"Everyone! Today, we might die! However, people like Chen tu died like dogs with broken bones. They still fought hard before they died and died together with the dark forces. The choice is in your hands!"

do you all choose to die with dignity or die in humiliation? "

The battle was about to begin, and elder Ji's words instantly ignited the fighting spirit of the Dragon Kingdom's martial artists!

"Motherf * cker! I won't surrender, and I can't run. Since I'll die either way, I'll go all out. Maybe I'll leave a good name in the future!" A burly martial artist drew his weapon, clearly prepared to die!

"I'll do it while I'm alive, but I'll die! Kill!"

The remaining dozens of Warriors from the Dragon Kingdom charged toward the hundreds of experts from the Asura and judgement divisions, even though they knew it was a one-sided massacre!

On the other side, evil Prince and fiery Prince had their eyes on Qin bei, who was in the Dragon blood pool!