Barging into the dark forces and obtaining the Qilin blood (Part 1) _1

"Young fellow Qin, you've finally woken up."

Seeing that Qin bei had regained his consciousness, elder Jiang finally heaved a sigh of relief. He fell to the ground and gasped for air.

This time, he had really gotten away with his life. He had almost died here.

"Elder Ji, elder Jiang, elder Lu, this ... What is going on?"

Qin bei was still in a daze. Before he entered the Dragon blood pool, everyone was fine. Why did they become like this when he came out?

"Little brat Qin, could it be that you really don't remember anything? Everything here was your doing." Elder Ji said.

"What? I did it?"

Qin bei's pupils suddenly widened!

He looked at the corpses on the ground in disbelief. He was the one who did it?

what exactly happened? " Qin bei's heart was filled with doubts.