Purple Qi from the East, Emperor Qi on the body (Part 1) _1

"Duke of the South, have you retrieved the Qilin blood?"

Gongye yang asked immediately when he saw Qin bei.

"Yes." Qin bei nodded.

"What about the Kirin blood? Hurry up and take it out."

"This ... I'm afraid you'll have to go out with me. "

After all, what Qin bei brought back was not the blood of a Qilin, but an entire Qilin!

The confused gongye yang had no choice but to follow Qin bei out. He saw the black Kirin standing outside.

"T-T. T-T. T-T-this ..."

Gongye yang was so shocked that he stuttered. If he was not mistaken, that should be a live Qilin!

"Is this the Kirin blood you were talking about?" Gongye yang looked at Qin bei in shock.

I have no choice. Things are a little unexpected. Well, get me a needle. I'll draw some Qilin blood. Qin bei smiled awkwardly.

Soon, someone took out the largest syringe from the hospital. Qin bei held the syringe and approached the black Kirin with an evil smile.