The witchcraft cult invades (Part 2)

When Qin bei and the others arrived at the he tu province, the once prosperous village was no longer there. In its place were broken walls and ruins, as well as dried blood everywhere.

Duke of the South, this is my hometown. In the four villages and eighteen villages within a radius of tens of miles, tens of thousands of people were brutally slaughtered. Only a few dozen people survived! Kong Sheng's lips trembled as he spoke.

This was his hometown where he had lived his entire life. Now, he was still alive, but his home was gone!

don't worry, Kong Sheng. The enmity of the Dragon Kingdom's people is my enmity. None of the witchcraft cult's people can leave the Dragon Kingdom alive! Qin bei consoled her, but a terrifying killing intent flashed across his eyes.

The witchcraft cult!

Assisting the Japanese to capture his daughter? this King hasn't even had the time to settle the score with you, and you guys came to find me first?