A conspiracy is exposed (Part 1) _1

"What happened? Didn't I tell you not to disturb me unless it's important?" Ning tianzheng said, a little displeased.

department head, it's like this. Someone from Linjiang province came to report that the entire Linjiang province and Hetu province have been exterminated. This matter is too important and I dare not hide it, so I came to ask you for instructions. The attendant said.

"What did you just say?"

The moment he heard that someone from Linjiang province had come to ningchuan, ning tianzheng's expression changed and he shot up from the sofa.

you, go out now and stabilize that person. I'll be there in a moment. Ning tianzheng said hurriedly, but a trace of panic flashed through his eyes!

Damn it!

Had this matter been exposed?

"Yes, department head!"