Up to you guys!(Part 1) _1

"Lord sect leader, you must be joking with us, right?"

The king of the ancient nation couldn't help but ask. Did they have the power to declare war on Duke Zhennan?

I'm afraid it won't be enough to fill the gaps between Zhennan Wang's teeth. Even if you want to die, you shouldn't do it this way!

"Do you think this cult master is joking with you?" The eyes of the witch God sect master turned cold!

"No, no, no, Lord sect leader, that's not what I meant. I mean ... Even if the four of us were to join forces, it would be of no use!"

The king of the ancient country continuously wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead. Once the war started, the duration of the war would be calculated in days, no, in hours!

hehe, whatever you can think of, I can think of it as well. Don't worry, I've already prayed to the noble ancient God of sorcerer. The God of Sorcerer's divine skill will bless the armies of your four kingdoms and make you invincible!