The old Wu God (Part 1)

While they were talking, the people from the witchcraft cult had already surrounded them.

Some of the Tiger troop Warriors were severely injured on the spot and were on the verge of death. When the witchcraft cult's people saw this, they didn't hesitate to kill them mercilessly!

"Get lost! Get lost! This is the last order I'm giving you as the captain of the Tiger troop!"

Qu Cang was filled with grief and indignation as he watched the witchcraft religion's people continue to deal more damage to the heavily injured Huben Warriors!


Several soldiers had tears of blood in their eyes! He turned around every three steps and watched helplessly as qu Cang was surrounded by the witchcraft cult's people!

"Go! Go find the general! We must take revenge for our Captain and our dead brothers!"

&Nbsp; the few surviving soldiers wiped their tears and immediately fled in another direction.