The appearance of the ancient battlefield (Part 2) _1

"A terrible death? Even if you die a terrible death, you'll die before me. Tsk, tsk, tsk ..."

The xuanming patriarch shook his head. He didn't expect the Grand Magus to have such a backbone. He would rather commit suicide than have his cultivation base destroyed.

"How is it? Has the matter been resolved?"

At this moment, Qin bei walked over. When he saw the body of the Grand Magus God, he was stunned.

"Didn't you say to cripple his cultivation? How did he die?"

"This ... I'm 80% sure he died of anger." The xuanming patriarch shrugged his shoulders.

"General! Urgent report from Shang Jing!"

At this moment, a soldier ran over quickly!


"General! The three elders have an urgent matter and want you to return to shangjing as soon as possible! I have something important to discuss!"

"Did the three elders say what it was?" Qin bei asked hurriedly.