The emperor's divine weapon (Part 1) _1

The injuries it had suffered earlier had completely enraged this spotted Tiger!

It roared and charged at Qin pan. Every time it ran, it left a deep paw print on the ground. Its strength was astonishing!

Bang! Bang!

The Tiger's two front claws slammed towards Qin pan. Just this one attack was enough to kill an ordinary combat King warrior!

However, Qin Pan's strength had greatly increased under the condition of the pain gate. He raised his arms high and actually managed to withstand the two claws of the piebald Tiger!


The huge impact instantly tore the clothes on Qin Pan's arms apart. The huge force forced Qin pan to retreat continuously, leaving two deep ravines on the ground!

ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!

Qin pan roared and gritted his teeth as he persevered! The veins on his arms were bulging, and his face was red!

"I've withstood it!"

Seeing this, everyone was shocked!