The power of the ancestral Dragon (Part 1) _1

In the ancient battlefield, time passed by and soon, it was the second day.

"Your Highness, please have some water!"

Somewhere in the ancient battlefield, the shentu patriarch carefully took out a gold-inlaid cup and handed it to Wu Yu.

"Something's wrong!"

Suddenly, Wu Yu stood up abruptly and knocked over the gold-inlaid cup.

"Your Highness, are you not satisfied with this? Then I will go to other places to find water!"

Seeing that Wu Yu seemed to be a little off, the shentu patriarch subconsciously thought that he was dissatisfied with the water that was sent.


Wu Yu waved her hand and began to pace back and forth.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?" Seeing Wu Yu's strange look, the shentu patriarch could not help but ask curiously.

"There's something strange about that kid!" Wu Yu said.

"That kid? Which kid?" The shentu patriarch was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted, ""Are you talking about the son of Zhennan Wang?"

"Not bad!"