The dark Emperor has descended (Part 2) _1

The moment the great emperor descended, everyone was so shocked that they couldn't say a word!

It was as if they were just ants in front of the great emperor!

The dark Emperor's eyes flickered, and soon, his gaze fell on Qin bei!

"You're that Qin bei? The person who kidnapped my dark forces 'Saint beast, the ink Qilin? I have to say, I admire your courage!"

The dark Emperor had also heard some stories about Qin bei.

"I also admire your courage! How dare you go against the Dragon Kingdom!" Qinbei was at loggerheads!

hehe, young man, it's useless to be stubborn. Strength is the absolute truth!

"Come, let me see how strong you are!"

The dark Emperor said sarcastically, not putting Qin bei in his eyes at all!

"As you wish!"

Qin bei said coldly as he clenched his Dragon Slayer saber and was about to step forward!

"Qinbei! Don't!"

Dark cloud grabbed him and shook his head.