Unknown whereabouts (Part 2) _1

"Get lost! If you dare to step into the Dragon Kingdom's territory again, I will kill you without mercy!"

The owner of the voice didn't reveal himself, leaving only a cold threat!

"Yes, yes, yes! We will never step into the Dragon Kingdom again! Please forgive me, senior!"

The experts of the Western imperial family kept kowtowing and begging for mercy. When they saw that the mysterious Almighty didn't seem to have any intention of killing them, they finally heaved a sigh of relief. Then, they quickly fled the ancient battlefield without looking back!

The people of the Western royal family had all fled, and the divine weapons that had been plundered were finally back in their hands.

"Thank you for your help, senior! I'm patriarch xuanming. Can I ask senior to come out and thank you for saving my life?"

The xuanming patriarch cupped his hands in the air and wanted to thank the senior who had saved them.