Mad Emperor VS red dust Emperor (Part 2) _1

"No... It can't be ..."

Shen xuanji's words instantly poured a bucket of cold water on everyone.

"You won't? Hehe, why else do you think my master spent so much effort to set up this Thunder calamity formation? Isn't it because he doesn't have the confidence to defeat the Mad Emperor?"

Shen xuanji's words made everyone nervous again!

At the same time, the Mad Emperor and the red dust Emperor, two top-tier experts, had already begun their battle!

you're finally out. I've been waiting for you for a long time!

The Mad Emperor's calm expression was replaced by a trace of joy upon seeing the Crimson dust Emperor.

This was the joy of meeting a strong person! He could finally have a great battle!

sigh, it's you again. To be honest, I really don't want to fight with you. It's too troublesome. The old beggar shook his head with a smile.

"Enough nonsense, let's fight! Defeat me! I promise that I will never set foot in the southern domain again!"