Surprise victory (Part 1)

Perhaps they were worried that they would interfere with the battle in qinbei, or perhaps they were worried that they would be affected by the aftershocks of this terrifying battle, the people in the surroundings quickly retreated to a hundred miles away. Even the underground forces, Wen King, prison King, Eagle King, and Wu King were no exception!

Everyone was watching the battle between Qin bei and the tyrant from afar. No one knew who the final winner would be!

"Brother Wen! In your wise opinion, who will win the battle between that Qin brat and Lord tyrant Emperor?"

"Hmph! Was there a need to ask? Naturally, Lord tyrant would win! Duke of the South?

The martial King watched the battle from afar. To be honest, he should have had full confidence in the tyrant!

However, he did not know why, but when he saw Qin bei's powerful double Dharma laksana, his confidence in winning was shaken!