Going home (Part 1) _1

Now that Qin pan was being held hostage by King Wen and the others, Qin bei was in a difficult position!

At this moment, how should he choose?

Let go of tyrant? I'm sorry to the dead!

However, if he didn't let go, it would be difficult to guarantee Qin Pan's life!

"Duke Zhennan! How long are you going to hesitate? I'll only give you ten seconds to consider! Otherwise ..."

No matter which one it was, it was an extremely difficult choice for Qin bei!

"Duke Zhennan! How long are you going to hesitate? I'll only give you ten seconds to consider! Otherwise ..." King Wen threatened as he narrowed his eyes.

"Otherwise what?"

All of a sudden, Qin bei grabbed onto the tyrant's throat, as if he was going to fight to the death with King Wen and the others!

"Duke Zhennan! Don't you want your son's life?" King Wen's expression changed slightly.

"Of course I want to! But now, everyone has a hostage in their hands. What right do you have to threaten me?"