Bloodline activation, level eight bloodline (Part 2) _1

"Eight ... Eighth level Blood Meridian! Why ... How was that possible?

The level of your bloodline has already surpassed my ancestor, the White Dragon Emperor! How could the heaven-battling Emperor Lord have a dragon blood essence that was more powerful than the White Dragon blood essence? This is impossible!" Bai tianfeng instantly lost his voice!

After saying that, Qin bei let out a furious roar, and an even more powerful dragon's roar sounded!

In an instant, Qin bei had also completed his dragonform. Although it was only a half-dragon form, Qin bei's half-dragon form looked more beautiful, stronger, and more like a dragon!

"Eight ... Eighth level Blood Meridian! Why ... How was that possible? The level of your bloodline has already surpassed my ancestor, the White Dragon Emperor! How could the heaven-battling Emperor Lord have a dragon blood essence that was more powerful than the White Dragon blood essence? This is impossible!" Bai tianfeng instantly lost his voice!