Dragon Tiger exorcism spell (Part 1)

"How could this be? Meteorites aren't that strong!"

Qin bei's eyes were filled with surprise. Even an ordinary Emperor-to-be expert would not be able to withstand his attack, let alone a meteoric iron chain!

"Kid, you've underestimated this divinity incarceration rune! The meteorites are only used as a support. The real effect is the talismans attached to the Dragon-Tiger Emperor's body. You have to destroy the talismans first before you can break the meteorites." The red-dust Emperor advised.

"A talisman?"

Qin bei looked at the talismans on the Dragon-Tiger Emperor's body and said, " won't we hurt the Dragon-Tiger Emperor if we break the talisman? "

hahahaha, don't worry about that. Good people don't live long, while scoundrels live for a thousand years. This Daoist priest with a cow nose is very tough, so just cut him down. Emperor red dust chuckled.

"Hey, hey, hey! Red dust, you old bastard, don't drag me into your bragging!"