The brothers are reunited (Part 2) _1

"Hehe, I've said before that our night monarch race's unique method of pursuit is something that even Emperor-level experts can't easily detect! Not to mention that all of your attention was on the emperor's resentment in the blood Loch!"

"So, when I eavesdropped on your conversation, I ordered my men to rush to Mount kunlun at top speed. In the end, the heavens really blessed us! We found this hermit master of the Kunlun Mountains almost effortlessly! Duke of the South! Right now, the lives of your children are in my hands. Do you still think you have the confidence to win?"

"Very simple, a life for a life! With your life! In exchange for the old man's life! Duke of the South, you didn't lose out on this, but don't you want to save your children?"

"So, what do you want?" Qin bei said coldly.