Three-legged golden Crow (Part 2) _1

"It seems that the senior didn't lie to me! There was indeed a golden Crow here! However, the Golden Crow was the ancestor of all divine beasts! I haven't even seen him yet, but I've already used up a third of my true Qi!"

Qin bei swallowed his saliva. His heart was already filled with awe, but he did not slow down his pace. Instead, he became even more determined!

Finally, Qin bei arrived in front of a huge Valley!

The soil here, perhaps because of the high temperature, had already turned into a maroon color!

The scorching heat even distorted the air! Every step Qin bei took was accompanied by great pain, leaving a long bloody footprint on the ground!

It was clear that the Golden Crow was very close! Even his protective Zhen Qi could not protect Qin bei!

With every step he took, the boiling hot soil would corrode Qin bei's skin, leaving behind bloody marks!

When they arrived at the foot of the valley, Qin bei could finally see everything clearly!