The Western Region's military commander dies in battle (Part 2) _1

Finally, after a long journey of killing, they arrived at the Western Region Army Headquarters!

At this moment, the entire Western Region Army's headquarters was completely silent, and not a single sound could be heard!

"Headquarters ... Why is it so quiet?"

A soldier asked doubtfully. After all, the situation in the city was so serious, the headquarters shouldn't be so silent!

". 'm afraid ..."

The leading officer's face darkened. He must have guessed something. When he secretly glanced at Qin bei, he swallowed his words.

Everyone knew that their general Fei Zhan was a good friend of general Qin. In the face of such a grim situation, Fei Zhan's outcome would most likely be ...

"Go! Let's go in and take a look!"

After a moment of silence, Qin bei opened his mouth and entered the Western Region Army Headquarters.

As soon as they entered the headquarters, the corpses on the ground were instantly imprinted in everyone's eyes!