The Alliance of Island sects (Part 2) _1

Yoshino was dumbfounded when he saw that many Island clans of the Dragon Kingdom had rushed over to support the flying Cloud Island!

How could it be like this!

Yoshino had calculated the locations of the island sects. They would not be able to rush over to help without half a day's time!

The Yoshino family had precisely calculated this point. As long as they could take down the flying Cloud Island within half a day, it would be meaningless even if the sects of the islands rushed over to help!

However, Yoshino had never expected that after only two to three hours of fighting, a large number of Island sects from the Dragon Kingdom would appear here without anyone knowing. Even the ironclad fleet on the coast had not noticed them at all!

"Brother Qi! We're not late, are we?"

At this moment, the island master of the Thunder Island, Lei zhentian, appeared and looked at Qi feiyun with a smile!

"Not too late! It's not too late!"