Heavy losses (1)

"Little brat Qin!"

Seeing that Qin bei had been sent back into the Imperial Palace by Bai su, the red dust Emperor and the others 'expressions changed drastically.


Emperor Yin Shi and the others sneered coldly as they fled, and they sped up.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed!

"Don't mind me! You guys hurry up and leave!"

As he was sent flying by Bai su, Qin bei quickly threw out his Dragon Slayer saber and smashed it on Bai su's head, trying to infuriate him!


"Hong Chen! Let's go! Duke Zhennan has been captured by Bai Ling. With our current strength, we can't save him at all! Hurry up and run!"

After being hit in the head, Bai su's anger seemed to rise even more!

It turned its fierce eyes, and its target changed from someone else to Qin bei. Then, it rushed toward him!