Operation wind-breaking (1)

The triumphant Emperor Yin Shi hid behind the gale Valley, thinking that unless all the Dragon Kingdom's Army broke through to the great emperor realm, it would be wishful thinking to charge through the gale Valley!

Just like that, within a month, Tuoba Hong, Xu tiance, Gu Xiaofeng, and Nangong Ming led the 40000 elite soldiers and charged into Gale Valley day and night. The distance that they could advance slowly and unconsciously increased!

During this period of time, the underground organizations had only sent people to tail them. They did not even think that the people of the Dragon Kingdom would be able to pass through the gale Valley!

Very quickly, a month had passed!

A month later, when the 40000 soldiers were preparing to charge into the gale Valley as usual, Qin bei suddenly called out to them.

"Big brother, what's the matter?" Tuoba Hong asked.