Operation wind-breaking (3) _1

Both sides, hundreds of thousands of people, were only stunned for a few seconds before they immediately burst out with a battle cry that soared to the sky!


The whole Gale Valley had turned into a meat-grinding machine in an instant. Due to the wind, the Dragon Kingdom's soldiers were having an even harder time fighting!

But, for the sake of the hundred brothers who were in charge of the explosion, they could not let the dark forces advance even a little bit!

The entire battlefield was filled with killing intent! They were afraid that the other party would get the blasting point!

However, no matter how hard the Dragon Kingdom soldiers tried, they could not change their disadvantage!

Not only were they outnumbered, but they were also fighting against the wind, so their hands and feet were greatly obstructed!

"I ... I'll fight it out with you! Let's die together!"