The dark Emperor takes action (Part 1) _1

"Senior Hong Chen, what kind of situation is this? Please let us meet general Qin!"

if general Qin doesn't show himself, the morale of the Army will really collapse. At that time, we'll be finished!

In front of Qin bei's tent, Xu Zhan and a group of high-ranking military officials wanted to see Qin bei, but they were stopped by the red dust Emperor.

"Everyone, there's no need to pay attention to the rumors of the dark forces. You just need to remember one thing, that little brat Qin is completely fine! As for his situation, I'm sorry that I can't reveal it. If you all trust me, then do your best to resist the dark forces!" Emperor red-dust's expression was solemn.

If they were told that Qin bei was not in the military camp, it would be no different from telling them that Qin bei was dead!