One battle to decide the universe (4) _1

"Five ... Five Emperor Dharma laks ... What did this kid go through? How can there be five emperors?"

Emperor Yin Shi was also shocked, but he had no way out now!

"Hehe, Duke of the South, although you have five great emperor dharmas, we have more people, and I still have the advantage! You'll have to pay the price for your arrogance!" Emperor Yin Shi laughed coldly.

"Oh? Many people? Are you sure?"

The corners of Qin bei's mouth curled up slightly!

Emperor Nangong, the old Dragon, the mother Phoenix, the Golden Crow, the green Luan, and the Vermillion bird all appeared!

"Eight ... An eight-tribulation great emperor! The saber Saint of the Dragon Kingdom, Emperor Nangong!"

The moment he saw Emperor Nangong, the shadow in great emperor Yin Shi's heart was lifted once again!

Even now, he was still immersed in the fear of Emperor Nan Gong's blade!