Working to the Bone

"Money is a hard currency here. You can even buy life with enough money, let alone information. Do you understand, kid?"

Ju Feng grinned, revealing two rows of yellow teeth.

He also had a shining tooth, which seemed to be a fake tooth made of second-grade crystal ore.

"Hurry up! Do you want to enter the city?"

Ju Feng suddenly stopped smiling and said coldly to Qin Yu and the others.

A powerful internal qi flashed from his body. the powerful Saint Power internal qi was at Dao Realm level 7.

This strength was close to Hong Luan and Yi Yun's in the Endless Mine.

The people following behind were shocked. There were a total of six people who came with Ju Feng, including Qin Yu.

"Haha, Yellow-tooth, you better get this straight. I'm earning money, not a beggar. I'll have a good fight with you if you have such an attitude."