Don't Be rude to the Benefactor

Su Qianxia was completely fearless. "I also want to return the money, but what can you do by disrupting the production order of our clothing factory?"

"I'll give you two months. If you don't return the money in two months, don't blame me, Sun Dahai, for turning against you." At this point, he opened the car door in exasperation and sat in the back seat. After the car started, he lowered the window and revealed a gloomy and terrifying smile. "Young man, congratulations on successfully helping your factory manager block a disaster. However, don't be happy too early. No one can disrespect me, especially not trash like you."

With a deep sigh, the Mercedes-Benz left, leaving only Zhao Chen and Su Qianxia at the entrance of the huge clothing factory.

"Thank you for today. Go to the finance department later and collect your salary before leaving!" Su Qianxia turned around and walked into the factory area.

Zhao Chen was stunned. I just helped you resolve a big problem, and now you want to fire me?

"Manager, were you joking just now? Why would you fire me?" Zhao Chen hurriedly caught up to Su Qianxia.

Su Qianxia: "Sun Dahai is from the mafia. You probably know about the famous Third Master Qian in our city, right? Sun Dahai is Third Master Qian's right-hand man and has dozens of underlings. If you offend him today, he won't let you off. I'm firing you for your own good."

"Sun Dahai can't touch me yet." A faint smile appeared on Zhao Chen's face. In the past, he would definitely be afraid of Sun Dahai and Third Master Qian. However, now that he had obtained the Red Pine Inheritance, a mere martial artist was not enough to scare him.

Su Qianxia looked at Zhao Chen in surprise. Although Zhao Chen was still the same Zhao Chen, she felt that he had changed.

Yesterday, Zhou Qiang had spat at him and humiliated him and he did not even dare to resist. However, now, he had successfully forced back Sun Dahai, a ruthless person in the pugilistic world. It was as if he had become someone else.

After regaining her senses, Su Qianxia said coldly, "I don't know where you get your confidence from to ignore Sun Dahai, but I won't let you stay. Hurry up and get your salary and leave!" As she spoke, she walked towards her office without looking back.

"I won't leave." Zhao Chen clenched his fists. He wanted to accompany Su Qianxia through this struggle.

After returning to change his clothes, he rode a shared bike to the pharmacy called Huichun Hall.

He planned to buy some medicinal herbs and then go back to boil the medicinal liquid to test if the ancient recipe recorded in the Red Pine Inheritance was really that miraculous. If it really had a miraculous effect, he could completely promote it to the market and help Su Qianxia tide over the financial crisis at the end of the month.

The medicinal herbs were not worth much, but even so, after paying all the fees, he still had less than three digits of money left.

After paying, Zhao Chen was about to leave.

At this moment, a group of burly men in suits rushed in with a middle-aged man in his fifties on a stretcher. The middle-aged man in the lead shouted, "Doctor Meng, where's Doctor Meng? Quickly save our Third Master!"

Meng Guohua was in his sixties and walked out in a black Tang suit. "What's wrong with Third Master Qian?"

"I don't know what happened to our Third Master, but he fainted for no reason. Moreover, he couldn't open his mouth after fainting and couldn't move his limbs." The middle-aged man in the lead had an anxious expression.

Meng Guohua hurriedly squatted on the ground and felt the other party's pulse. He then looked at Third Master Qian's tongue and pressed on the outer ward on his wrist. Seeing that the other party had no reaction, he asked, "Third Master, do you feel any pain? If you do, blink."

Third Master Qian looked uneasy and did not blink.

Meng Guohua said, "Did you suddenly have such symptoms?"

Third Master Qian blinked.

Meng Guohua's expression was solemn. "This is a stroke. We can't rule out the possibility that it's brain accumulation water. This kind of illness is still very difficult to treat with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Let's go to the hospital as soon as possible. If necessary, we need to perform a craniotomy."

Third Master Qian's pupils trembled, revealing unconcealable fear and unease. He had always been afraid of going to the hospital. Now that he knew that he was going to undergo a craniotomy, how could he not panic?

"The patient did not have a stroke." Zhao Chen squeezed into the crowd. As a doctor, he could not leave the patient in the lurch. Moreover, the other party was the famous Third Master Qian. He had to help this time.

It was all to prevent Sun Dahai from taking revenge on him.

"How can a brat like you know anything about medicine? How can you tell that the other party didn't suffer a stroke? Do you know what will happen if his condition is delayed? Can you bear the consequences?" Meng Guohua was furious. Zhao Chen had questioned him in his own medical center. How was this any different from slapping his face?

Zhao Chen did not expect Meng Guohua to be so furious, but he still said, "Although the patient can't speak and his limbs are numb and have symptoms of a stroke, most stroke patients have fatty bodies, high blood pressure, smoking, and drinking habits. However, I didn't see any smoke stains on his teeth when you examined the patient's mouth. Clearly, the patient doesn't smoke. In addition, his face is red and his metabolism is clearly higher than this person. He doesn't seem to drink either."

"Let me ask you, for you to conclude that a middle-aged man with an extremely good physique who doesn't drink or smoke is suffering a stroke just because he can't speak and his limbs are numb, isn't your diagnosis too arbitrary? Do you want to save him or harm him?"

Liu Cheng's face was filled with shock. "Little brother, not bad. You're right. My Third Master is abnormally focused on maintaining his health. He doesn't smoke usually. Even if he occasionally drinks, he only drinks medicinal wine that nourishes his body. Moreover, my Third Master especially likes to exercise. Last year, he even ran a marathon. His physique is definitely good."

Meng Guohua's gaze was unkind. "You said that he didn't have a stroke. Then, may I ask what the patient's illness is? Why are his limbs numb and his mouth shut?"

Zhao Chen said, "This is a brain disease."

"Nonsense. Even ordinary people know that this is a brain disease. Isn't a stroke a type of brain disease?" Meng Guohua snorted angrily.

The surrounding people also discussed softly.

Zhao Chen said indifferently, "A stroke is indeed a type of brain disease, but a brain disease is a general term. A stroke can be called a brain disease, and a brain infarction is also considered a brain disease. In addition, dizziness and brain swelling are also considered brain diseases. If I'm not wrong, Third Master Qian should have a sudden brain swelling. The inflation of the brain should have compressed the brain nerves, causing the symptoms of a stroke."

Seeing that Zhao Chen was making sense, Liu Cheng asked nervously, "Little brother, is this disease easy to treat?"

Zhao Chen said, "It's not a serious illness. I just need to release the gas in his brain."

Meng Guohua was amused. "That's easy to say. Why don't you show us how it's done! It's not that I'm looking down on you. Not to mention a brat like you, even a TCM expert wouldn't dare to say such a thing. If you can treat Third Master Qian, I'll kneel down and worship you as my master in front of everyone."