Descent of Despair

An unprecedented despair enveloped her heart, making her at a loss.

Knock, knock, knock!

A knock sounded on the door. Then, Feng Mei walked in with her child in her arms. "Manager, the workers in the factory are waiting for you."

Su Qianxia took a deep breath and forced a smile. Then, she walked out of the office and arrived at the plaza of the factory. At this moment, more than 300 pairs of eyes were gathered on Su Qianxia, making her feel guilty and frightened.

"Manager, it's time to pay, right?" Team Leader Tong Lili asked.

"That's right. In the past, we would always get paid at 5 pm. Now, it's almost 6 pm."

"Manager, don't tell me you can't afford our salaries? That won't do. We only work to earn money. You have to pay us."

Strange voices sounded from the crowd.