Taking a Yard When Given an Inch

Yang Guang stopped himself mid-sentence as he thought better of it.

Instead, he decided to joke with her. "You're older than me? You don't look like it; I thought you were only eighteen!"

"No way."

Although Yang Guang's joke was at her expense, Xu Ling just smiled without saying anything more.

She was not particularly uptight. What's more, Yang Guang had taken the initiative to help her deal with Meng Li, and was very grateful to him.

Hence, she regarded the saying, "older women bring good omen" as nothing more than a joke.

When Yang Guang noted that she was not offended, he asked cheerfully, "By the way, Secretary Xu, that Meng Li - is he your boyfriend?"

"No, he is just a classmate from college. He's from this area, so he insisted on bringing me here personally!" Xu Ling explained.

Yang Guang remarked, "That's for the best!"

Xu Ling was surprised. "Huh?"

"Don't read too much into it, but just one look at that guy, and you can tell that he's not a good person. He was really disrespectful to you. It's for the best that you don't have anything going on with him!" Yang Guang concluded.

Xu Ling merely smiled without replying.

They didn't have to walk for long before they arrived at the Yang residence. When they entered the courtyard, Wu Xiaolian, who was playing with Yaya in her arms, froze for a moment before she stood up. "This is?"

"Sister-in-law, let me introduce you!" Yang Guang smiled and took Yaya from her arms. "This is Secretary Xu Ling, the new party secretary of our village!"

"Oh, it's the new secretary! Nice to meet you!"

When Xiaolian saw Xu Ling's slender figure and beautiful, charming face, she instantly grew a liking to her.

At that moment she even thought, if only this girl could be Yang Guang's wife!

Wu Xiaolian herself was a pretty lady, and when Xu Ling met her, her worries and concerns were dispelled. She took Xiaolian's hand and said, "Oh don't mind me; I will be intruding for a few days!"

"What do you mean 'a few days'? You will be living with us from now on! Don't bother with the village headquarters even if Sun Guoying repairs and cleans the house. You can't live there!" Yang Guang exclaimed.

It didn't take long for Xiaolian to figure out what was going on. She quickly added, "That's right, it is too dangerous for you to live there by yourself. Just stay with us; we'll treat you just like one of our own!"

Aside from that, she secretly thought to herself, "This is very good. For as long as this new secretary stays with us, she'll be seeing Yang Guang every day. I'm sure they'll develop feelings for each other over time."

With such thoughts running through her mind, Xiaolian's expression changed accordingly as she regarded Xu Ling - as if she was already her sister-in-law!

Xu Ling was greatly moved by their enthusiastic welcome. "Alright, then let's do that. But I couldn't stay here for free, I will pay rent!"

"Don't stand on ceremony, you may stay here for as long as you like. Come, let me show you to your room!"

Xiaolian took Xu Ling's hand eagerly as they went into the house.

Yaya was sucking on her fingers in Yang Guang's arms. Her big eyes blankly watched everything that was happening around her, not quite understanding what was going on.

Xiaolian and Xu Ling proceeded to clean up the room, while Yang Guang stayed outside to watch the child.

He thought that it would be better for him not to interfere their work, and that he should remain out of their way.

It was now getting late. Xu Ling made the bed she was going to sleep in, and all her clothes had been put away in the cabinet. During this process, she and Xiaolian were like sisters as they chatted and laughed with each other.

Such a sight warmed Yang Guang's heart.

Even if by just a little, this family could finally become a little more lively.

Further into the night, smoke began to rise from the chimneys. Xiaolian was cooking in the kitchen, while Yang Guang and Xu Ling played with Yaya; the atmosphere was very cozy and homey.

Just then, a woman peeked in from outside the yard. "Yang Guang, I need some medicine!"

It was He Hua. Yang Guang froze for a moment before he got up and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I have a stomach ache," He Hua answered him at the door instead of coming in.

"I got it, wait just a minute!" Yang Guang nodded and got up, intending to hand Yaya over to Xiaolian.

But Xu Ling took her instead. "Give her to me."

"Thank you." Yang Guang smiled, and turned to step out. He accompanied He Hua to the clinic at the other end of the village.

At this time, every household was busy preparing dinner, and no one would notice the two of walking about. He Hua asked him in a low voice, "You sure are a crafty one, tricking such a pretty lady into your territory?"

Yang Guang was stunned by her comment and turned to her. "What are you saying? She's the new secretary, and I just wanted to be sure she's safe!"

"Furthermore, if you had to stay at the headquarters with Sun Guoying hanging around, could you be at ease?"

He Hua responded with giving him a teasing side-eye. "I'm just joking around, why are you so serious?"

"Serious? I am just afraid that you think that I'm some sleaze!" Yang Guang smiled.

"Hmph, but you aren't that pure!"

At this moment, the two of them arrived at the clinic. Yang Guang was stunned for a moment by her remark. He looked at her. "Why would you say that?"

He Hua bit down on her lips and glanced at him. "This afternoon while we were on the electric bike, you didn't miss the opportunity to take advantage of me!"


Yang Guang had nothing to say for himself. Seeing her bashful expression, he scratched his head and said shyly, "I didn't do it on purpose; it was you who took the initiative!"

"Oh get out! There's no way!"

Upset, He Hua glared at him as a blush spread on her face.

This pouting defiance was somehow more alluring. Yang Guang swallowed hard and made sure there was no one around before he leaned over and asked her in a low voice, "So, tell me the truth, did you do it on purpose?"

"Say that one more time and I'm going home! Forget about the medicine!"

He Hua stomped her feet, then turned to walk the other way.

Realizing that she was being serious, Yang Guang hurriedly held her arm. "Alright, alright, I was mistaken. I won't mention it again!"

At this, He Hua stopped in her tracks and cursed in a low voice, "Dummy!"

Yang Guang let out a dry laugh. He quickly unlocked the door and entered the clinic.

By this time, the sky had already completely darkened. The room was unlit, so he went straight for the light switch.

But as soon as the light was turned on, an exclamation came from behind. When he turned to look, he found that He Hua had tripped over the threshold, and her whole body was flying toward him!

Yang Guang didn't have much time to think before he reached out to catch her. However, his hands happened to land on her chest!

He was able to catch her by holding onto two particularly soft sections. The tension between them was so thick that it could be cut with a knife,

He Hua's face was burning as she quickly steadied herself. Then, she shoved him away hard. "You're pushing it too far!"

"No, I didn't mean to! That was to prevent you from falling!"

Yang Guang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There was no way to prove his innocence now!

"Oh yeah? You sure know where to aim!" He Hua replied sharply.

"No, I moved before I could think; please don't be mad!"

Yang Guang laughed, embarrassed, then ran off to get her medicine.

He Hua watched him scurry away as she bit her lips. There was an indescribable feeling that filled her heart.