Moans in the Cave

The two women had caught Yang Guang's attention the moment they walked in. One was in her 40s, while the other was around 17 or 18. Judging from their appearances, he could tell they either lived in the town or one of the nearby villages.

Seeing that they were walking toward him, Yang Guang put his chopsticks down.

"Excuse me, are you the one who treated Mr. He just now?" the middle-aged woman asked.

"Yes." Yang Guang nodded. "And you are?"

"I am Mrs. He. This young lady here is our daughter," the woman introduced herself and her daughter. "We rushed here from our village as soon as we heard about what happened to him."

"I see. But Mr. He has already been taken to the hospital. Why aren't you guys visiting him there, but have come to me instead?" Yang Guang asked curiously.