Time for Dinner

After hearing the shout, He Zidong came out with his head lowered.

Seeing his timid look, Yang Guang smiled and said, "Don't be like a doormat. Come here and take the money!"

He Zidong was stunned and looked up.

When he realized that Yang Guang was really holding the money, he carefully walked over. "Huh? What money?"

"We are reasonable people. Chu Qing borrowed money from you, so the principal must be returned to you!"

Yang Guang said and handed the money to He Zidong. "Take it!"


He Zidong was a little confused. He thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, I don't want this money!"

"How can that be?"

Yang Guang's voice rose by an octave. "Do you think we are all as shameless as you? Quickly take it!"

He Zidong was helpless and could only take the money.

Mu Xiaowan said at this time, "Since I have paid off for her, I will take the contract with me. You are not allowed to bully Chu Qing in the future!"